刚买了一辆新车还在保修期内,维修时间,很多司机都很犹豫,如果选择4 s店维修,虽然各种各样的环境,服务,维修店比外面好,但是相对价格高,很多时候都想去维修店做保养,只是买了一辆新车出去维修,可以申请索赔4 s店吗?
Just bought a new car is still in the warranty period, maintenance time, many drivers are hesitant, if choose 4S shop repair, although a variety of environment, services, repair shop is better than outside, but the relative price is high, many times want to repair shop to do maintenance, just buy a new car to go out to repair, can you claim 4S shop?
As a car owner, you have to consider some very painful issues, such as car maintenance? Where is it maintained? How about the quality? How much is it? Then, if the warranty is not maintained in 4S shop, can you enjoy quality assurance?
As we all know, if you want to carry out maintenance and if you want to claim for compensation in the later period, you need to show the maintenance contract (maintenance order), maintenance items, quality inspection certificate and the completed factory certificate (copy) during the maintenance period. As long as you can distribute these items, 4S stores have no reason to refuse.

If after maintenance, due to improper handling and lack of evidence, it will not be able to enjoy quality assurance, because the owner did not use, maintain and repair the vehicle damage caused by the product correctly according to the instructions (such as changing the maintenance interval mileage and maintenance, the vulnerable parts life and mileage will not change over time, etc.), it will not be able to enjoy quality assurance.
实际车辆质量保证和质量保证是一样的衣服鞋子,如果是人造的保修范围内,之前一个朋友遇到这样一个问题:当车辆维护,因为工作繁忙附近附近的汽车维修店维修、汽车维修店人员说发动机积炭过多,需要干净的喷油器,清洁后车辆无法启动。当他去4 s店问,他被告知他不能享受质保服务,因为碳下降阀和阀座之间下降,发动机不能启动由于宽松的汽缸密封,这是一个人为的错误,所以他不能享受提供的质量保证服务4 s店。
The actual vehicle quality assurance and quality assurance are the same clothes and shoes. If it is in the artificial maintenance range, a friend met such a problem before: when the vehicle maintenance, because the car repair shop near the busy work repair, car repair shop staff said that the engine coke too much, need clean fuel injector, after cleaning, the vehicle can not start. When he went to 4S shop and asked, he was told that he could not enjoy the quality assurance service because of the drop between the carbon drop valve and the seat, the engine could not start because of the loose cylinder seal, which was an artificial mistake, so he could not enjoy the quality assurance service 4S shop provided.
During the warranty period, the owner should maintain the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the user's manual, and the vehicle does not need to be repaired in 4S shop. That is to say, in theory, as long as the vehicle follows the mileage specified in the user's manual, uses the appropriate grade, meets the quality requirements, and the appropriate oil viscosity, the oil filter can be maintained. However, in fact, many repair shops do not have the relevant qualifications, so once the car quality problems occur, 4S shop will refuse to claim for various reasons.
Remind the owner that if his car is still under warranty, it should be repaired in 4S shop in case of no claim.