The Test Method of Automobile Engine Performance stipulates the test method of power, economy and other important performance of automobile engine on the bench. It is suitable for automotive reciprocating internal combustion engines, including four-stroke and two-stroke, water-cooled and air-cooled, supercharged and non-supercharged gasoline engines and diesel engines. It includes the following 11 performance tests.
(1) General starting test. Assess the general starting performance of the engine.
(2) Idle speed test of diesel engine. Evaluation of idle speed stability of diesel engine.
(3) Idle speed test of gasoline engine. To evaluate the idle stability and idle emission of gasoline engine.
(4) Power test. Evaluate the power and economic performance of the engine under full load.

_Load characteristic test. The economy of engine partial load is evaluated at specified speed.
_Universal Characteristic Test. To evaluate the economy of the engine under various working conditions, and to provide a basis for the selection of engines for automobiles.
_Speed regulation characteristic test of diesel engine. Evaluate the steady speed regulation rate of diesel engine.
_Mechanical power loss test. Evaluate the mechanical loss power of the engine.
⑨各缸工作均匀性试验。为了提高发动机的燃油经济性,节省能源,减少爆燃及排气污染,进行此试验。 ⑩机油消耗量试验。评定发动机在规定工况下的机油消耗量。
_Work uniformity test of each cylinder. In order to improve the fuel economy, save energy and reduce deflagration and exhaust pollution of the engine, this test was carried out. _Oil consumption test. Assess the oil consumption of the engine under specified operating conditions.
Piston leakage test. Assess the sealing between the piston group and cylinder to monitor the working condition of the friction pairs, so as to detect the pull or clasp faults earlier.