钻孔的标准公差为IT10 ~ IT11,表面粗糙度为Ra50 ~ ra12.5,只能加工要求低的孔或作为孔的粗加工。钻井作业通常是在钻机上进行的,有时是用手进行的。常用的钻井工具主要有:
The standard tolerance of boreholes is IT10 ~ IT11, and the surface roughness is Ra50 ~ ra12.5. It can only process holes with low requirements or rough processing as holes. Drilling operations are usually carried out on rigs, sometimes by hand. Commonly used drilling tools are:
Electric drill and pneumatic drill. This is a hand-held drilling tool driven by electric power and compressed air respectively. Its feeding is done by human thrust. It has the characteristics of high speed, fast drilling speed and light use. When using the hand drill, attention should be paid to safety. If the wiring should be intact, insulating gloves should be worn when operating. Pneumatic hand drill is driven by compressed air, which is relatively safe, but the cost is high.
(2) Bench drill and vertical drill. There are many types of bench drills, but their structure and working principle are basically the same. They are all driven by motor to complete the cutting action and controlled by feed handle. There are many kinds of vertical drilling machine, such as Z525b vertical drilling machine. The maximum diameter of drilling hole is 5mm, and the spindle has six rotational speeds. The tool can be fed manually or automatically.

Radial drilling machine. Rocker drilling machine has complex structure, high automation and wide application range. The maximum diameter of domestic Z35 rocker drilling machine is 50mm. The rocker arm spindle box on the rocker arm can be movable on the rocker arm. The rocker arm can rotate around the axis of the spindle column and move up and down along the spindle column. The position of the arm is fixed by the brake device. Therefore, within the allowable arm length range, the vertical axis can be aligned to any position of the workpiece.
(4) Standard twist drills. Drilling main tools have an important influence on drilling quality.
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