车身损坏。如锈蚀,凹陷,变形,脱焊,破裂等。锈蚀是由于漆膜损坏后,空气中的潮湿气及其它污染物引起的化学反应所致。车身凹陷、变形 、脱焊、破裂等是由机械损伤所致。
Body damage. Such as rust, depression, deformation, desoldering, cracking, etc. Rust is caused by chemical reactions caused by moisture and other pollutants in the air after the paint film is damaged. The depression, deformation, detachment, and rupture of the vehicle body are caused by mechanical damage.
The engine cannot start or is difficult to start. This situation is mostly related to factors such as poor operation of the main fuel injector, cold start fuel injector, temperature control switch, ECU and control circuit, battery depletion, and damage to the igniter or pulse generator.
The clutch is slipping. When the clutch pedal is completely relaxed, the car may start or experience fatigue when overloaded uphill, and the speed cannot increase with acceleration. In severe cases, smoke and a burnt smell may appear at the clutch. Its essence is insufficient friction, mainly due to a decrease in clutch clamping force or a decrease in friction coefficient.

Manual transmission jumps gears. Jumping gears often occurs when there is a sudden change in load at medium or high speeds, or when the vehicle is bumpy. Mainly due to excessive wear or deformation failure of moving parts, resulting in incorrect meshing, self-locking loss of control, inability to fix gear, and gear skipping.
When using brakes while driving, the car cannot slow down or stop. The reason may be oil or gas leakage in the brake pipeline, rupture or detachment of pipeline joints, failure of brake sealing components, etc.
Abnormal tire wear. It may be caused by insufficient or excessive air pressure, excessive or insufficient toe or wheel camber, unbalanced wheels, long-term lack of tire rotation or excessive wear of ball joint pins, improper use and driving, etc.