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地址:山东省济南市全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城3排15、16号 4排15、16号)



来源:http://www.lutongqixiu.com/ 日期:2021-08-26 发布人:admin
Common fault causes include: 1. Failure caused by unprofessional maintenance; 2. Line failure caused by unauthorized installation of electrical appliances; 3. Failure caused by improper human operation; 4. Problems caused by improper car washing; 5. Failure caused by lack of maintenance
1)汽车电子从结构上分为传感器、控制单元、执行器、连接导线/数据线四大部分,汽车电子故障也与这四个方面的正常运行情况有着很密切的关系。汽车电子构造中这些部件都是很精 密的,对于使用环境也有着较高的要求,而目前车主普遍存在的对电子部件缺乏保养、清洁不到位已成为造成故障的重要原因。
1) The structure of automotive electronics is divided into four parts: sensor, control unit, actuator and connecting wire / data line. The fault of automotive electronics is also closely related to the normal operation of these four aspects. These components in the automotive electronic structure are very precise and have high requirements for the use environment. At present, the lack of maintenance and poor cleaning of electronic components, which are common among car owners, has become an important cause of failure.
2)汽车传感器传感器作为汽车电子控制系统的信息源,是汽车电子控制系统的关键部件,而它如果受到灰尘等杂物的污染,就可能造成传感器的灵敏度和精 密度降低,甚会出现传感信号失真,从而使得车辆控制单元和执行器出现故障而无 法正常行驶。
2) As the information source of the automobile electronic control system, the automobile sensor is the key component of the automobile electronic control system. If it is polluted by dust and other sundries, it may reduce the sensitivity and precision of the sensor, and even cause the distortion of the sensing signal, resulting in the failure of the vehicle control unit and actuator.
3)连接导线采用电子仪表的汽车,需要很多连接器把电线束连到仪表板上去。然而这些连接器一旦受潮或被水侵蚀后,往往会使连接导线氧化,进而导致接触不好。检查时可用眼看或手摸的方法进行,连接器装置要齐全、完好,插头、插座应接触可靠、无锈蚀。仪表电路工作中用手触摸连接器,应没有明显的温度感觉,若温度过高,说明该连接器接触不好 ,应查明原因予以排除。
3) Cars with electronic instruments need many connectors to connect the wire harness to the instrument panel. However, once these connectors are damp or eroded by water, they often oxidize the connecting wires, resulting in poor contact. The inspection can be carried out by eye or hand. The connector device shall be complete and intact, and the plug and socket shall be contacted reliably without corrosion. When touching the connector by hand during the operation of instrument circuit, there shall be no obvious temperature feeling. If the temperature is too high, it indicates that the connector is not in good contact, and the cause shall be found out and eliminated.
The above is all about the skills of automobile circuit fault judgment introduced by Xiaobian. After reading Xiaobian's introduction, do you have a basic understanding of automobile circuit fault judgment skills? Well, Xiaobian will introduce it here first today. If you want to know more consultation, please pay attention to Lutong automobile.
地址:山东省济南市全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城3排15、16号 4排15、16号)

