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地址:山东省济南市全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城3排15、16号 4排15、16号)



来源:http://www.lutongqixiu.com/ 日期:2021-04-28 发布人:admin
我想大多车主都会遇到过车轮异响这个问题,有时候觉得是小问题就没有太在意,但汽车异响往往反映了汽车的一些故障或者毛病,如果不能及时发现排除故障扩大会带来很大的安 全隐患。说到行车危险,除了刹车故障,油门故障。车轮上的故障那是非常危险的。那如何从车轮上的异响,判断车轮上可能存在的故障和隐患的?
I think most car owners have encountered the problem of abnormal wheel noise. Sometimes they think it's a small problem and they don't pay much attention to it. However, the abnormal car noise often reflects some faults or faults of the car. If it can't be found and eliminated in time, it will bring great potential safety hazard. When it comes to driving danger, in addition to brake failure, throttle failure. The trouble on the wheels is very dangerous. How to judge the possible faults and hidden dangers from the abnormal noise on the wheel?
1. The tire was punctured with nails and gravel
其响声是轮胎转一圈响一下,就像有个东西“啪嗒”“啪嗒”地敲打地面,随着车速的提高节奏加 快。若是石块撬掉就行,若是钉子,在市内时如轮胎气压还可以,可直接把车开到维修店补胎。
The noise is that the tire makes a circle, just like something "PATA" and "PATA" knocking on the ground. With the increase of the speed, the rhythm speeds up. If it's a stone, just pry it off. If it's a nail, if the tire pressure is OK in the city, you can drive the car directly to the repair shop to repair the tire.
2. Metal friction sound: too thin brake pad
汽车的前轮刹车片一般都有电子的装置,后轮则没有,但大都有机 械的报 警片。当刹车盘磨太薄时,就会发出“刺啦”“刺啦”的金属摩擦声。不踩刹车时很轻微,踩刹车时声音会加重,很刺耳。这时您必 须慢行去换刹车片了。
The front wheel brake pad of a car generally has an electronic device, while the rear wheel does not, but most of them have a mechanical alarm pad. When the brake disc is too thin, it will make a metal friction sound of "pricking" and "pricking". When you don't step on the brake, it's very slight. When you step on the brake, the sound will increase and it's very harsh. Now you have to go slowly to change the brake pads.
一般的车轮从轮辋的空隙中就可以观察刹车片的厚度,当观察估算厚度小于3毫米时就一定更换了。更换刹车片要到正规维修厂换,这是行车安 全的关键零部件,不能马虎。
Generally, the thickness of the brake pad can be observed from the gap of the wheel rim. When the estimated thickness is less than 3mm, it must be replaced. To replace the brake pads, you need to go to a regular repair shop. It's a key part for driving safety, and you can't be careless.
3. Uneven tread
This kind of abnormal noise gives people the feeling that the tire seems to be rolling something all the time, and it is often accompanied by steering wheel shimmy, left and right. In these cases, replace the tire (or rim), do not drive with disease.
4. Abnormal noise of wheel bearing
Its sound is a kind of "buzzing" sound, and the sound gradually increases with the increase of vehicle speed. If you suspect that the bearing is noisy, you can jack up the wheel and check it according to the picture below. If it is the tire bearing, it is recommended to check and replace it at the maintenance plant as soon as possible to avoid damaging the axle body.
5. The tire pressure is too high, too early to increase
Generally, the tire pressure of a car should be about 2.4 bar before and after no-load, about 2.6 bar before and about 2.7 bar after full load. There are also differences for each car. Please refer to the user manual of your car for the exact value. The tire pressure is too high. You can not only hear the tire noise when you run, but also feel as if the suspension has hardened, bumped heavily, and the direction has become lighter. In this case, let down the gas and adjust the pressure to the standard value. For a car with tire pressure monitoring, such a situation rarely occurs, because it can be seen when the tire is inflated high.
6. The bolt is not tightened
The sound is the sound of "bang" and "bang" at the moment when the vehicle stops and goes, and the obvious sound of acceleration and deceleration steering. It's very loose. I can also feel the body twisting when I'm driving. It's hard to control. The solution is to re tighten the bolts, but it is recommended to go to the repair shop as soon as possible to check whether the bolts or the bolt holes on the wheel rim are damaged, and replace them if they are damaged.
地址:山东省济南市全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城3排15、16号 4排15、16号)

