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地址:山东省济南市全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城3排15、16号 4排15、16号)



来源:http://www.lutongqixiu.com/ 日期:2024-07-19 发布人:创始人


  Check daily


  Some people think that checking every day can be troublesome, but checking the car before driving every day can effectively reduce the occurrence of malfunctions while driving. The inspection areas include: exterior condition of the vehicle, tires, dashboard oil, tire pressure, lighting, rearview mirrors, etc.20230121045016318.jpg


  Pay attention to the car wash cycle


  Many people say that cars should be washed once a week, but it is best to judge based on the actual situation. For example, on rainy days, due to the acidic and corrosive nature of rainwater, it can be washed more after rain; Another issue is that after running a long distance, it is easy to get splashed with mud or sand, which can cause significant damage to the car paint and should be cleaned as soon as possible.


  Check tire pressure once a month


  If the tires are not properly inflated, many problems may occur. One consequence is tire leakage, as the air on the tire slowly runs out and a blowout will make your car unable to drive.


  Maintain the engine


  When the weather is cold, it is best to idle for about a minute after starting before driving. Do not let the engine speed be too high until the water temperature in the tank is normal. It is important to use the throttle smoothly. After parking, try to reduce the engine speed before turning off the engine, especially for those with turbocharging.


  Automotive Circuit Maintenance


  The maintenance of the automotive circuit system is one of the core contents of automotive maintenance, especially for vehicles that have been in use for more than three years. It is crucial to go to a repair shop for a thorough maintenance of the automotive circuit system once a year. Experts suggest that if you find that your car's fuel consumption suddenly increases, you should check the car's oil and electrical circuits,


  Automotive Circuit Maintenance


  The maintenance of the automotive circuit system is one of the core contents of automotive maintenance, especially for vehicles that have been in use for more than three years. It is crucial to go to a repair shop for a thorough maintenance of the automotive circuit system once a year. Experts suggest that if you find that your car's fuel consumption suddenly increases, you should check the car's oil and electrical circuits


  Clearing debris from ventilation openings


  It is necessary to maintain the removal of tree branches and other potential debris from the vehicle's airway. Failure to maintain airway patency can lead to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide inside the vehicle. Before realizing there is a problem, this can cause you to faint. If the heater is running for a long time, please slightly roll up the window to keep fresh air circulating through the car


  Timely repair minor scratches


  Some car owners, due to time or cost issues, simply ignore some minor scratches on the body of the car and do not repair them in a timely manner, thinking of waiting until they save more money to repair them together. In this way, the 'wound' will gradually expand, affecting the body structure of the car.

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  This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan Mercedes Benz Automotive Maintenance. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.lutongqixiu.com Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned

地址:山东省济南市全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城3排15、16号 4排15、16号)

