The routine inspection of new cars within one year is indispensable. Generally speaking, we should start with the following nine routine inspections, and the following professional manufacturer will explain where Audi is repaired in Jinan.
① 检查传动皮带、排气系统、蓄电池状况;
① Check the driving belt, exhaust system and battery;
② 更换机油和机油滤芯;
② Replace the engine oil and engine oil filter element;
③ 检查、清洁空气滤清器;
③ Check and clean the air filter;
④ 检查制动系统的性能及制动液的质和量;
④ Check the performance of the braking system and the quality and quantity of the brake fluid;
⑤ 检查转向系统及助力油的质和量;
⑤ Check the quality and quantity of steering system and power oil;
⑥ 检查底盘各球头拉杆防尘罩;
⑥ Check the dust cover of each ball joint tie rod of chassis;
⑦ 检查前后悬架的状况;
⑦ Check the condition of the front and rear suspension;
⑧ 检查轮胎的状况;
⑧ Check the condition of tires;
⑨ 检查空调系统的性能。
⑨ Check the performance of the air conditioning system.

In addition, the vehicle shall be inspected and maintained in the following aspects:
① 刹车片:刹车片也叫刹车皮。在汽车的刹车系统中刹车片是关键的安全零件,所有刹车效果的好坏都是刹车片起决定性作用。一般来讲成本越低的刹车片磨损得越快。摩擦材料使用完后要及时更换刹车片,否则钢板与刹车盘就会直接接触,终会丧失刹车效果并损坏刹车盘。
① Brake pads: brake pads are also called brake pads. The brake pad is a key safety component in the automobile braking system, and the brake pad plays a decisive role in all braking effects. Generally speaking, the brake pads with lower cost wear faster. After the friction materials are used, the brake pads should be replaced in time, otherwise the steel plate will directly contact the brake disc, which will eventually lose the braking effect and damage the brake disc.
② 燃油泵:汽车开到三年以上,燃油泵就差不多该清洗或更换了。
② Fuel pump: After three years of driving, the fuel pump should be cleaned or replaced.
③ 减振器:如果发现行驶起来没有新车那么平稳,遇到这种情况应该检查汽车的减振器。
③ Shock absorber: If you find that the driving is not as smooth as that of a new car, you should check the shock absorber of the car in this case.
That's all for the question of "nine routine inspections should be carried out for new car maintenance within one year". If you have any related matters, please come to our website Consult!