More and more people buy cars, but many people only consider the car brand and car quality or price, often overlooked a detail on the car, that is, the car LED lights, do not underestimate this light, is there a Factor of safety in the car that directly concerns you.
Why do you say so? Because Lutong auto maintenance service center has been in contact with a lot of vehicle repair and maintenance over the past ten years, especially in Jinan side of the BMW car maintenance more.
Also has contacted many people to change the halogen fog lamp LED light source, really do not know how to think, as long as I basically will tell him not to change the Lutong lamp.
事实上许多朋友有这样的疑问,大灯、转向灯、示宽灯都是 LED的,为什么雾灯还是卤素!于是干脆将雾灯改为 LED光源,理由是,“卤素灯太暗”!事实上,这种做法是不正确的,也不安全。
In fact, many friends have such a question, headlights, turn signal lights, lights are LED, why fog lights or halogen! So simply changed the fog lamp LED light source, the reason is, “Halogen lamp is too dark”! In fact, it’s not right and it’s not safe.

由于对雾灯来说,需要的不是灯光的亮度,而是光线的穿透力,所以使用 LED光源单用 LED光源,在雾天行车时并没有给予更多帮助,反而会造成更大的危险。
Because for fog lamps, what is needed is not the brightness of the light, but the penetration of light, so the use of LED light source only LED light source, driving in fog does not give more help, but will cause greater danger.
The purpose of halogen lamp is to signal, not to illuminate, as we have said before, automobile halogen lamp is not only to illuminate. Fog Lamp first must have a strong permeability and high identification, secondly, fog lamp must have a good permeability and high identification, in order to shine to the ground. This fog light is different from other lights, fog lights can be used as an active security configuration.
Therefore, for the design of fog lamp, the lighting of the Irradiation Range, angle, brightness has high technical requirements, absolutely can not be arbitrarily modified.
也许朋友会问济南哪里有宝马汽车维修的顺便改个雾灯,因为 LED光源不能达到所要求的色温?LED光源穿透能力不强?卤灯管能做到的事, LED灯不能做到?
Perhaps friends will ask, LED light source can not achieve the required color temperature? Led Light source penetration ability is not strong? What halogen can do, LED can not?
事实上,现在很多 LED灯做到色温调节,是不会有问题的,比如现在很多家用灯都能调温。
In fact, many LED lights do color temperature regulation, is not a problem, for example, now many household lights can be adjusted temperature.
但问题在于我们通常使用的 LED光源是单晶 LED,光在粉末表面被反射成单一颜色的光,而不是由“红绿蓝”3种颜色发出,因此在光谱上无法达到连续性!关于
But the problem is that we usually use single crystal LED light source, light is reflected in the powder surface into a single color, rather than “Red green blue”3 colors issued, so can not achieve spectral continuity! About Jinan where has the BMW automobile service friend hoped that everybody does not change the lamp blindly.