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地址:山东省济南市全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城3排15、16号 4排15、16号)



来源:http://www.lutongqixiu.com/ 日期:2021-10-02 发布人:admin
喷油嘴本身是一个常闭阀(常闭阀的意思是当没有输入控制讯号时,阀门一直处于关闭状态),由一个阀针上下运动来控制阀的开闭。当电脑下达喷油指令时,其电压讯号会使电流流经喷油嘴内的线圈,产生磁场来把阀针吸起,让阀门开启好使油料能自喷油孔喷出。喷射供油的优点就是燃油供给之控制十分精 确,让引擎在任何状态下都能有正确的空燃比,不仅让引擎保持运转顺畅,其废气也能合乎法规的规范。
The fuel injection nozzle itself is a normally closed valve (normally closed valve means that the valve is always closed when no control signal is input), and a valve needle moves up and down to control the opening and closing of the valve. When the computer gives the fuel injection command, its voltage signal will make the current flow through the coil in the fuel injection nozzle, generate a magnetic field to suck up the valve needle and open the valve so that the oil can be ejected from the fuel injection hole. The advantage of fuel injection is that the control of fuel supply is very accurate, so that the engine can have the correct air-fuel ratio in any state, not only keep the engine running smoothly, but also its exhaust gas can meet the specifications of environmental protection regulations.

Fuel injection nozzle is an important part of the engine. Its work will seriously affect the performance of the engine. Fuel injection nozzle blockage will seriously affect vehicle performance.
Causes of blockage: 1. Due to carbon deposition in the engine. 2. Due to impurities in the fuel.
喷油嘴的工作好坏,对每台发动机的功率发挥起着根本性作用。由于燃油不佳导致喷油嘴工作不灵,使缸内积炭严重;缸筒、活塞环加速磨损,造成怠速不稳,油耗上升,加速无力,起动困难及排放超标,严重的会彻 底堵塞喷油嘴,损坏发动机。因此,要定时清洗喷油嘴。
The work of fuel injection nozzle plays a fundamental role in the power of each engine. Poor fuel causes the fuel injection nozzle to work improperly, resulting in serious carbon deposition in the cylinder; The accelerated wear of cylinder barrel and piston ring will cause unstable idle speed, increased fuel consumption, weak acceleration, difficult starting and excessive emission. In serious cases, the fuel injection nozzle will be completely blocked and the engine will be damaged. Therefore, clean the fuel injection nozzle regularly.
In daily driving, you should often run at a high speed, which can reduce the possibility of carbon deposition. If the fuel injection nozzle is not cleaned for a long time, the fuel injection nozzle will be blocked and become more and more serious, resulting in poor fuel injection, poor fuel injection angle and atomization of the engine, resulting in poor operation of the engine under idle speed, acceleration or full load conditions, reducing engine power, increasing fuel consumption, increasing emission pollution, and even making the engine unable to work. Therefore, car owners and friends must clean the fuel injection nozzle regularly to ensure its normal operation.
Owners friends, cleaning the fuel injection nozzle does not mean that it is good to clean it often. Because the fuel injection nozzle itself is inside the engine, frequent disassembly and assembly will wear relevant parts and even damage vulnerable parts such as rubber rings, so we should clean it according to the regulations (it is recommended to drive 40000-60000 kilometers, or when there is a fault detected by computer). When cleaning, be sure to go to a regular garage for cleaning.

地址:山东省济南市全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城3排15、16号 4排15、16号)

