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地址:山东省济南市全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城3排15、16号 4排15、16号)



来源:http://www.lutongqixiu.com/ 日期:2021-08-23 发布人:admin
When the water tank engine is running, it will produce high temperature. You must use water circulation to dissipate heat! But when the car drove one day, the engine suddenly smoked on the way. - Oh, my God! The water is gone, turned into bursts of steam! There are usually only two reasons for this situation, one is the failure of the cooling fan, and the other is the leakage of the water circulation pipeline. If it is found that the culprit of the water leakage is the rupture of the water tank under the diagnosis of the garage.
Usually the manufacturer will ask you to change a new water tank; However, the crack of the water tank can be repaired! The water tank is made of aluminum. If a small crack is found, it can be repaired by aluminum welding or brazing. It can be done with a salary of only a hundred dollars, and thousands of dollars can be saved for replacing the water tank on the spot!
Has the transmission shaft ever heard the sound of "Kata" under the chassis as long as it turns when driving
The crux of the problem mostly occurs in the wear of the universal joint of the transmission shaft. Front wheel drive vehicles often have this problem! When you drive to the garage for repair, the manufacturer will mostly tell you to replace the whole one, but the relative price is thousands of yuan. In fact, the wear of the universal joint occurs because the dust boot attached to the joint is broken, resulting in the leakage of lubricating grease inside the dust boot and the entry of dust.
In this situation of lack of oil and dirt, of course, it accelerates the wear of the universal joint! Therefore, if the wear condition is not serious, in fact, you can replace the dust boot alone (only one or two hundred yuan each) and supplement the lubricating oil, and this transmission shaft can be used for a long time! If the wear of the universal joint is too serious, only the joint part can be replaced; Anyway, there's no need to replace the whole d
地址:山东省济南市全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城3排15、16号 4排15、16号)

