夏天,随着时间的增长,直到夜幕降临在7或8 o '自然钟在晚上,夜生活丰富,陆字符串,喝酒,唱歌,晚上跑步等等都促进了时间表,除此之外,吸引眼球的恐怕是美丽和汽车retro-car。
Summer, as time goes on, until night falls at 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening, night life is rich, land strings, drinking, singing, night running and so on all promote the schedule, in addition, perhaps the most eye-catching is beauty and car retro-car.
In fact, car refitting is a culture. In Japan, the United States and Hong Kong, China, car refitting has been quite mature.
The original car modification was just for racing cars to improve their performance so that they could do well in the race. With the development of domestic automobile industry and the popularity of automobile movement, automobile refitting has become a favorite thing of ordinary fans, and gradually become a fashion trend.
However, at present, many automobile refitting projects are illegal in China.
The reason is that Mao Mao thinks it's similar to plastic surgery for women. It's OK to inject a fine needle and so on. But if the whole photo and ID card photo look different, airport security can't pass, which really affects our daily life.
According to media reports, Xi'an traffic police and industrial and commercial departments raided two car refitting factories two days ago, temporarily detained and towed six illegally refitted small cars. It can be said that Lao Wo's refitting car was suddenly copied, the echo in the refitting industry is very big.
Why did the traffic police destroy their weapons? Or what kind of car modification is legal?

This has to be removed from the relevant provisions of our country. According to the revised Regulations on the Administration of Vehicle Registration No. 124 of the Ministry of Public Security:
1. 该车可以改变车身颜色,但必须在10天内向车管所备案。这就是为什么你总能看到一些汽车变成“骚气”十足的亮绿色,也是在大街上横冲直撞的原因。不过没有三种颜色专车专用的颜色不能随意使用:消防专用的红色、工程救援专用的黄色、国家行政执法专用的白色降蓝色。
1. The car can change the color of the body, but it must be filed with the vehicle management office within 10 days. That's why you can always see some cars turning into "fuming" bright green, and that's why they hit the streets. However, there are no three special colors for special vehicles that can not be used at will: red for fire fighting, yellow for engineering rescue and white for national administrative law enforcement.
2. 车身、车架和发动机也可以更换。在原始的零件已经损坏无法修复,或质量问题的前提下只能更换,而不是可选的替代模型,不像电影“头文字D”AE86爆缸,爸爸给了他一个改变在AE101 TRD ag)在4引擎,在我们中国现在或者至少它不会工作。
2. The body, frame and engine can also be replaced. Unlike the movie "D" AE86 burst cylinder, Dad gave him a change in AE101 TRD ag) in 4 engine, which in our country now or at least will not work.
3. Interior decoration can be modified in principle, without affecting driving safety. However, the seats can not be dismantled, the structure of the vehicle can not be changed, and the structural characteristics of the vehicle registered in the vehicle management can not be changed arbitrarily.
4. The front and rear anti-collision beams can also be added. This situation is more common in off-road vehicles and Japanese vehicles. For the convenience of off-road vehicles, some off-road car enthusiasts will add insurance beams in front of the vehicle to increase cross-country and safety.
In addition, many veteran drivers care about the hub and can also play sideball. In addition to being the most noticeable, the wheels are lighter, allowing the car to accelerate, brake and turn faster. However, the hub modification needs to be the same size as the original vehicle, otherwise the ATM may refuse your request.